Video Mystery Shopping
What is Video Mystery Shopping?
Video Mystery Shopping is a powerful tool used to evaluate
customer service and overall customer experiences through covert video
recordings. Video mystery shopping uses hidden cameras to capture
real-time interactions between customers and staff, providing businesses
with authentic and detailed feedback.
These recorded videos cover everything from:
- Initial greetings
- Product suggestions
- Checkout procedures
- Handling of complaints.
By reviewing these recordings, businesses obtain objective and detailed insights into:
- Service quality
- Employee performance
- Compliance with company standards
- The overall customer experience
Videos can be used to train staff, highlighting real examples of service strengths and areas for improvement.
Videos are viewable via our secure online reporting platform and
have a dedicated ‘media storage area’ where they can be viewed
alongside any requested checklists and written report.
For more information to see how video mystery shopping can improve
service quality and help you to maintain a competitive edge, call us on 07447 942887 for a chat, or complete the form below for a no obligation quote.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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